Ønskeskyen Partner

e-mærket X Ønskeskyen

Via et nyt samarbejde med e-mærket vil Ønskeskyen sikre mere tryghed for deres mere end to millioner danske brugere. Det skal ske ved at give de partnere, som allerede er e-mærkede, mulighed for at vise deres certificering direkte på platformen og dermed skabe en forbedret brugeroplevelse via fokus på sikker e-handel.

For Ønskeskyen er det en prioritet af afspejle markedet og give brugerne et bredt udvalg. Med det store udvalg af vidt forskellige typer af webshops følger et tilsvarende stort ansvar for brugernes tryghed og sikkerhed.

For de webshops som ikke i forvejen er e-mærkede, giver dette unikke samarbejde Ønskeskyens partnere muligheden for at få et uforpligtende juridisk pre-check af deres webshop. Det juridiske pre-check gives af en af e-mærkets specialiserede e-handelsjurister og foregår som et online møde på Microsoft Teams. Pre-check’et sker med afsæt i din webshops købsforløb og handelsbetingelser, og besvarer eventuelle spørgsmål, du måtte have.


With the new activity feed feature, it becomes significantly easier for you as a partner to reach out to your followers on your Brand Wall and constantly inspire them in their daily lives. This feature is designed to provide your followers with an experience similar to what they know from other popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Therefore, your followers are crucial!

When you make changes to the active trending lists on your Brand Wall, these updates will automatically be displayed in the activity feed for all your followers. This means that your followers will always be updated with the latest changes and trends within your brand.

With this feature, your followers can easily and conveniently scroll through the feed and be inspired by the new products and trends you share. They also have the option to add your newly created products directly to their wishlists with a single click, creating a smoother and more engaging shopping experience.

The activity feed allows you to build a closer relationship with your followers by allowing them to be part of your brand’s development. At the same time, it provides you with an effective way to measure and analyze your followers’ engagement and interests so you can tailor your strategy and content accordingly.

Overall, the activity feed represents an exciting opportunity to strengthen your brand’s presence and connection to your followers on the GoWish platform.